Geolocate me!
This map can display your current location when you click on the above link, if your Web browser supports it. To add this functionality to an existing GPS Visualizer map, just add a link that calls the function GV_Geolocate().
The GV_Geolocate() function can take the following optional arguments:
- center:(true|false) // default is true
- marker:('cross'|'circle'|false) // default is false
- color:'color' // default is 'white'
- marker_list:(true|false) // default is false
- info_window:(true|false) // default is true
- info_window_contents:'message'
- zoom:number
- keep_previous:(true|false) // default is false
The info_window_contents string can include the keywords {latitude}, {longitude}, {date}, {time}, and {accuracy}, which will be replaced with the appropriate values.
In this example map, the function call looks like this:
NOTE: In many browsers, geolocation will NOT work if the map is hosted on an "insecure" (non-https:) server.