The map on this page was generated using the following data:
latitude | longitude | name | desc | shortdesc | label | label_offset | folder | url | thumbnail | thumbnail_width | photo | photo_size | icon | color | scale | opacity |
45.40187 | -121.77422 | NAME | DESCRIPTION LINE 1<br> | SHORTDESC | LABEL | 6,-10 | FOLDER | | google_fields_thumbnail.jpg | 80 | google_fields_photo.jpg | 400x300 | circle | yellow | 1.5 | 0.7 |
Below the map is an explanation of all of these fields.
This map was created using GPS Visualizer's do-it-yourself geographic utilities.
Please wait while the map data loads...
field name | value in this example | explanation |
latitude | 45.40187 | |
longitude | -121.77422 | |
name | NAME | The name of the point is used in three places: as a "heading" for the marker's info window; as the text that appears when you "mouse-over" the marker on the map (or its surrogate in a "marker list"; and as the point's label in the marker list, if your map has one. |
desc | DESCRIPTION LINE 1<br> | The description is displayed in the marker's info window, below the thumbnail or photo (if there is one); it also appears in the marker list, IF the marker list is set to show descriptions. You can include any HTML in a marker's description: line breaks (the <br> tag is very useful), paragraphs, tables, images, embedded Flash content, even internal frames (<iframe> tags). For example, if you don't like how GPS Visualizer handles photos, you can include them yourself using <img> tags in the description. |
shortdesc | SHORTDESC | The "short description" is ONLY used in the marker list. It might be useful if you want something other than the name of the point in the list, but the description itself is too long or too wide. |
label | LABEL | The label appears permanently on the map -- as opposed to the name, which only shows up as a mouseover. |
label_offset | 6,-10 | If you want to change the placement of the label for an individual point, you can do it by specifying X and Y coordinates, separated by a comma or an "x". In this example, we're moving the label 6 pixels to the right and 10 pixels up. |
folder | FOLDER | If you specify a folder, the point will be placed into that "folder" in the marker list. Folders can be hidden or "collapsed". (Folders can only be used with a marker list.) |
url | | If you specify a URL, the name of the point will become a hyperlink to that URL, in the marker's pop-up info window. If you tweak the marker_list_options in the guts of your map (set "url_links" to "true"), you can also make the names of the points in the marker list into hyperlinks, but by default the names in the list just bring up the info window when you click on them. By the way, if your info window includes a thumbnail, the thumbnail also becomes a link to your URL. NOTE: If you don't like the way GPS Visualizer handles links to URLs, just include your own link tags (<a href="http://...">) in the "desc" field. |
thumbnail | | The URL of a small graphic that will appear in a point's "mouseover." It will also show up in the info window unless a "photo" is also specified. The marker list can be configured to show thumbnails, but it's not the default behavior. |
thumbnail_width | 80 | If you examine the thumbnail graphic in this example, you'll see that it's actually 200 pixels wide. But we've forced it to display smaller by specifying a "thumbnail_width" of 80 pixels, because 200px would be a pretty big mouseover. |
photo | | The URL of a larger graphic that will appear in a point's info window. Note that if you include a "photo," then the "thumbnail" will not appear in the info window. (That's by design; it would look silly to have a small version of the graphic right above the larger one.) The use of the "photo" field is discouraged, though, because large images are often awkward to display inside a map; it's better to simply put a small image in the "thumbnail" field, then supply the URL of the large image -- or another Web page CONTAINING the larger image -- in the "url" field. (Click here for an example of a map with many photos on it, using only the "thumbnail" and "url" fields.) |
photo_size | 400x300 | As with the thumbnail_width field, you can use this to downsize a photo; this can be useful if it's a very large image that would otherwise overwhelm the map. But even if you don't want to shrink the picture (as in this example, where 400x300 is the actual size of the JPEG), photo_size can also help prevent images from jumping outside the boundaries of the info window; if the map knows how big the picture is before making a place for it, things will go more smoothly. |
icon | circle | In this example, we've used one of GPS Visualizer's pre-defined symbols (circle, square, triangle, diamond, pin, camera, google, googleblank, googlemini, blankcircle), which can be made any color and any opacity. If you want to use your own custom icon (by specifying the URL of the JPEG/GIF/PNG image), be sure to also include an "icon_size" field so GPS Visualizer knows how big it's supposed to be. "icon_anchor" is also helpful, if the icon is not supposed to be centered around its coordinates. |
color | yellow | As long as you're using one of GPS Visualizer's pre-defined icons, you can specify any HTML color here, either by name (e.g., pink, skyblue, papayawhip) or by RGB hex code (e.g., #ff34c0). If you're using a "remote icon" via a URL, you can't colorize it. |
scale | 1.5 | Resizes the icon; here, we've asked for it to be one and half times larger than the original 11x11 circle. |
opacity | 0.7 | A number from 0 to 1. |